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Alocasia 'Jacklyn'
Colacoscia 'Black Velvet'
Colocasia esculenta cv 'Midori Sour'
Colocasia Ele Paio or 'Milky Way'
Rotala Rotundifolia (Roundleaf Toothcup)
Oenanthe javanica 'Flamingo'
Louisiana Iris 'Black Gamecock'
Nymphoides Indica 'Snowflake'
Nymphoides Crenata 'Purple Mosaic'
Zebra Rush
Water Poppy
Nymphoides ‘Goondawindi’
Vallisneria (Eel Grass)
Cyperus Papyrus
Pennywort/Copper Coin Plain (Hydrocotyle vulgaris) Cuttings
Marsila Miniature Nardoo Water Clover
Black MagicTaro
Chinese Water Chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis)
Colocasia esculenta cv. 'Violet Stem'
Pontederia cordata-Pickerel Rush (Lavender)